So, lately I have been seeing signs everywhere that point to a no good situation for my future. Most of which I absolutely cannot take emotionally, or mentally. Because I am involved in a birth mother support group on Facebook, I have also been able to watch the show Teen Mom, in which Catelynn obviously is my absolute favorite. But the subject that keeps coming up in both scenarios is the fact that in these open adoptions the adoptive parents close the adoption after the first year or so, or the time after was agreed upon or regulated for an open adoption to stay fully open.

I am not quite sure if this is just a coincidence or if this is a sign of things to come. As much as I love K&T and I know and trust them wholeheartedly that they would never close the adoption, or close me out of it I am seriously in freak out mode. I’ve never been so scared. Now, I know that right now I’m most likely just being a worry wart but seriously I don’t know what is going on. I have had nightmares about this happening. Is this a point in adoption that we all fear?